Pension Michael
Glemmtalerlandesstr. 258
5753 Saalbach
Tel.: 06541 65 07
Fax.: 06541 65 07-07
E-Mail: pension-michael@saalbach.net
Responsible for all content:
Pension Michael
Responsible for all pictures:
Pension Michael, Tourismusverband Saalbach
Terms of use
The use of this website apply to the relationship between the user and the operator of the site the following Terms of Use. These Terms of Service apply to the calling of this site agreed to be binding.
All contents of this website are copyrighted. Their use requires the explicit written consent.
The Austrian hotel contract conditions apply.
Data protection
Of course your data will be treated confidentially and we won't give it to third parties. By submitting your data (request, booking, mail contact) you agree that these are saved in our hotel program.